Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Growing and Changing...

We have had so much fun spending the week with Nana and Grandpa!  We are changing so much, and some time it becomes more evident when we go out of town.  Here are some of the new and fun things we are doing...


*He is definitely getting more of a personality, and he loves making people laugh.  Once he says something funny, he repeats it over and over.  Some of our funny highlights of this trip is when he oinked like a pig, trying to keep his eyes closed, and did the "Robin" dance. None of us could stop laughing.  He also likes to sing with his twang accent, "I've seen about everything when I seen an elephant fly."  Too funny.

*He has become a lot more independent, playing creatively.  While we were on this trip, he wanted this neat rocket ship from the Guild.  After telling us many times that he wanted it and being on his best behavior, we decided to give him a treat.  There have been many times that he has left the room we were all in to go to his room to play with his rocket.   It's so cute to listen to him play!

*He LOVES reading.  He really could sit still for such a long time to hear someone read to him.  At night time, he is always trying to convince us to read him one more book.  He is also very interested in trying to pretend read to Charley and to himself!

*He has become a lot more compassionate and wants to take care of Charley.  While on this trip, Charley learned how to escape from her pack and play, and after crying for Javed, Javed told her that he would lay down right next to her in the bed.  It didn't take her long to jump out of the pack and play and snuggle up next to him.  He was SO sweet as he sang to her and rubbed her arm.  When he had to go the bathroom, he sweetly told her not to worry and that he would be in the next room."  So darn sweet!

*She is talking SO much more and repeating everything we say!  It is so cute when she says all of our names.  She has also started saying different emotions.  The other night we were watching a movie, and she saw someone crying, and she said, "Sad" (with a sad look on her face), "Crying."  Very neat to watch her little brain go.  She also has no problem telling Javed when she wants her space. :)

*She LOVES stuffed animals and dolls.   When she goes to sleep, she requests all of her friends- duckie, lovey, Ricki, Ana, ladybug, puppy--so many friends that there is barely room for her to sleep! :)  It is so cute watching her carry them around and talk to them.  This morning, she named one of the puppies Javed, and she just kept looking at it going, "Hi, Javed. Hi, Javed..."

*She is FULL OF LIFE and so PASSIONATE.  Everything, she does is with gusto.   She has this huge smile that envelopes her face as she runs to her next activity.  When is she doing something, she is fully into it!  Lately, she has become very interested in puzzles.  You can see the passion and intensity as she tries to get all the pieces in the right place.  When she jumps in the pool, her smile cannot be erased.  Too fun!

*She is very exploratory!  Whenever we leave her alone, she is usually getting into something.  She loves to open lids of toothpaste, shower gels, spice containers---you name it!  There's truly never a dull moment with her!

The other really neat thing is that both Javed and Charley have REALLY begun to play with each other, and they just love each other's company  (whether to play with each other or bother each other). :)  When Javed went to Houston a couple of days early, Charley kept walking around the house looking for him, and saying, "Jabid."  So darn cute.  They were both so excited to see each other.  So sweet.

Here are some pics from our last day in Houston:

Eating Like a Big Girl

Dancing with Grandpa

Silly Grandpa

Dropping Cheerios


Making More of a Mess

Nana is Helping Me Clean Up

On the Run

Trying to Figure out the Remote

Will This Work?

Happy Girl

Pretending to be a Monster

Am I Scary or What?

Sweet Baby Girl

We Love our Nana

Happy Boy

Nana is Working Hard


Guess Who's Next?


Trying to Figure out Javed's New Toy


Swimming with Nana


Monday, July 30, 2012


This summer, I have really LOVED to learn how to swim.  We have been going to the waterpark a lot, and I have really enjoyed swimming in the lazy river.  When we came to Houston, I was excited to swim some more in Nana and Grandpa's pool.  So fun!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Trip to Galveston

Today, we all decided to take a trip to Galveston to ride the ferry.  Both Charley and I fell asleep on the way there, so when Nana, Grandpa, and Mommy woke us up, we were a little tired, but still excited to see the boat.  We had a good time feeding the seagulls, and we even got to see dolphins jumping in the water!

Grandpa is Ready to Feed the Birds

Tearing Up Bread

Looking at the Birdies


Having Fun!

 Sharing with Charley

We Love Grandpa!

 We Love Nana!

After our ride on the ferry and some Mexican food, we decided to go see the beach.  I was excited to get into the water, and so was Charley.  Mommy, Nana, and Grandpa sure liked to see our cute little personalities.  I took my time, but as I saw Charley really get into it, I realized how much fun it was.  Then, I got all dirty, putting sand in my hands and pretending I was a "Mud Monster."  While I was a little apprehensive at first, Charley jumped right in and got right in the sand.  We all laughed at how she laid in the water and smiled.  We had so much fun together, and right before we walked back to our car, Charley summed it up perfectly when she said, "Happy."  Sweet times.

Looking at the Water

Mommy Loved Watching Charley Play

Loving the Sand

Watching Charley

Happy Girl

Playing in the Sand

Becoming a Mud Monster


Sweet Boy!

Running from the Mud Monster

Playing Together

Happy Girl

After we left the beach, we went by Aunt Betty and Uncle Pat's house.  We had fun playing in their "playhouse" and playing with some of the toys that Mommy, Aunt Bobo, and Aunt Kristen used to play with at our PoPo's house.  :)

Playing with the Pink Pot

Friday, July 27, 2012

Family Time

For Mother's Day, Mommy, Aunt Kristen, Aunt Kim, and all of us grandchildren decided to take her to a hotel for a night.  We all went out to eat together at Cheesecake Factory, which was lots of fun.  Then, we went to Build a Bear, so I could build her own little bear, Nicki.  I love Javed's bear, Ricki, so everybody thought it would be neat if I got my own bear...

What Should I Order?

Ready to Get Stuffing for my Bear

Making a Bear Certificate

Javed Helped Me Wash Nicki

I Love Bobo

Aunt Kristen Makes Me Laugh

Javed Got a New Box for his Bear, Ricki

Looking at the Aquarium in the Galleria

Neat Waterfall

Once we got back to the hotel, we all played around together, and then it was time to go to sleep.  On the day we got to Nana and Grandpa's house, I decided to crawl out of my pack and play.  Mommy wasn't quite sure what she should do about that, but I let her know that I wanted to sleep in the big bed. Overall, I have done really well, but nobody was quite sure how I would handle the hotel.  After playing with everyone for awhile, I had a hard time settling down.  I was singing night night to everyone.  Then, I started knocking on the headboard, and I would answer by saying, "Come In."  Too funny.  Finally, I fell asleep! :)  

Sweet Girl

Then, Nana and Javed decided to hang out in the other room and play on Nana's phone.  Aunt Kim came over to be with Charley, and so Nana, Javed, and Mommy went to hang out with Aunt Kristen, Emma, and Kayla.  Javed was making them laugh SOOOO hard---pretending to be a pig and doing his "Robin" dance at the same time.  FUNNY!!!!!  What great memories. :)