Friday, September 27, 2013

New Normal

Mommy said: Since Javed has started going to school every day and Charley goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays,  life has changed a lot.  It seems like once the alarm goes off, we run a short marathon, and do everything we can to get everyone where they need to go.  Javed has a routine where we wake up and I snuggle with him for a little bit and we read a bible story.  Then, Javed makes his bed and feeds Caly while I am making breakfast and lunches.  Then, during that time, Charley usually wakes up.  We all eat breakfast together, and then Javed quickly brushes his teeth and gets dressed, and we RUSH out the door (or lately Daddy takes him to school).   School starts at 7:35, which we have found to be EARLY!

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we come home, relax a little bit, and then get Charley ready for school at 9.  They are both LOVING school, which makes me so happy!   During the day, I had these high hopes of getting things accomplished, but pretty much since school started, I have been feeling pretty bad, and my bed and couch have become my new best friends.  I am SO grateful that I have this time to rest and take care of myself and our new little miracle on the way.

At 2, I go to pick Charley up, and then at 3, we walk to the end of the street and pick Javed up from the bus stop.  From then, we begin marathon number 2- eating snack, talking about our days, homework (if there is any), prepping/eating/cleaning dinner, baths, reading books and then getting ready for bed.  Though Rick is still working a lot, he almost always is home for dinner and bedtime routines, which is priceless.  We aim to be in bed between 7 and 7:30, and then Rick usually works from home, and I'm almost ready for bed! :)

God is teaching me a lot about letting go!  Letting go of Javed as he gets out of the car and walks into his new school, letting go of the Christian models that have surrounded and been teaching Javed and trusting that God will protect his body, mind, and heart, letting go of my sweet baby girl as she starts preschool for the first time, letting go of an amazing friend who moved too far away, letting go of all kinds of control as my firstborn baby rides home on a big yellow school bus, and lately, letting go of the many pressures I put on myself to keep my house together and have homemade meals every night.  I'm learning that if I go to bed with dishes in the sink and the playroom not organized, I still wake up in the morning and life continues.   God and I have been having lots of mini-conversations all throughout the day, and He has literally given me all my strength.   Very blessed....

Coloring with My Baby During Our "Off Days"

So Proud of My Work

Not Our Normal Playroom

Someone Want to Clean for Us?

Fun in the Chaos

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Today, Mommy took me back up to school for my kindergarten assessments.  I did great.  I knew all my letters and rhyming words, and my writing and reading were awesome as well!  ( I was level 3 out of 4 on my writing, and I was reading at a level 6 for reading.  The hope is that I am reading at level 8 when the year is over).  Ms. Boynton said that I was a joy in the classroom! :)

While I was doing my assessment, Mommy found one of my cute pics in the hall.  I'm loving school! :)

Texas Day

Today was Texas Day at school, and I got to dress like a cowgirl.  I wasn't so sure about wearing the bandana, but I got used to it!   Go Texans! :)

Happy Girl

Big Smile


Oh My!



Tuesday, September 24, 2013

7 Weeks

7 weeks...

-Very tired 
-Just as excited to read about development of baby

-Started with 2 rounds of bloodwork with Charley and this pregnancy
-Have to eat EVERY 2 hours with Charley and this pregnancy
-WAY more sick and fatigued with this pregnancy

7 Weeks

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jen Hatmaker

From Mommy:  Tonight, I got to have a girls night with a bunch of friends.  We went to Mama D's church and had dinner together, and then we got to listen to Jen Hatmaker speak.  She did such an awesome job-- made us all laugh so hard and then challenged us with being the "living bread" in our daily life.  She talked about how some times we need to be "broken" and given to others and at our times in our lives, we need to be nourished by the bread.  Excellent speech and just an overall fun night!:)
Erin, Annie, Hollee, Jen, Christa, Dana, and Nicole

Mommy and Jen

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fun Times at School

I have really been enjoying preschool.  I love to paint, color, sing, and play with my friends!  On some days, my sweet teacher even sends Mommy pictures of me during the day.  It makes Mommy so happy to see that I am having such great days at school.

Ready to Walk

Cutie Pie

Painting Red Circles

Playing in the Sand at Recess

Friday, September 13, 2013

Hall of Fame

Earlier this week, Mommy got a phone call from my teacher that I was going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame at my school.  She said that I was doing such an excellent job in kindergarten and I was a role model for the other students.  Nobody told me anything, so this morning when Ms. Boytnon announced my name and started talking about me, I was very surprised!  Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me and my sweetness. :)

 Surprising Me at School

So Proud


This evening, we got to go Grapefest.  We played some games, walked around, sampled some foods, rode the Ferris Wheel, and went down the slides.  Afterwards, we went to dinner with our family at Palios.  We had an awesome time together!

 Daddy and Javed in the Ferris Wheel

Waving to the Boys

About to go Down the Slide


Love Our Daddy

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Happy Birthday, Daddy

Today is Daddy's 34th birthday!!!  We were so excited to cook him dinner and sopapilla cheescake for dessert.  Daddy, we love you SO much and we are so grateful that God gave us you.  Happy birthday!


Today, Mommy and I got to go visit some of her friends from high school and we got to meet their two cute kids.  Ms. Angie has a precious little girl named Gracie, and Ms. Nina brought her sweet baby Bobby to come eat lunch with us.  They thought it was so precious to see all of us together! :)

Hmm...Thinking About All of This

You Want a Picture of All of Us?


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Telling Family

Today, we got to go to Kayla's volleyball game, and in between games, we put our shirts back on and surprised everyone else with our big news!!  Everyone was SO excited, and we are all counting down the days until May 8th!
Telling Nana

Telling Bobo and Grandpa

 Sitting with Mr. and Mrs. DeNeefe

I Love Bobo

Who's Going to be a Big Sister???

Mommy's Baby Girl


We Love Our New Baby

Kisses for the Baby

Sweet Siblings

Can you tell we love each other (and we even like each other right now)?  :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Today, while I was playing at school, my teacher took a picture of me and emailed it to Mommy.  It sure brightened her day up to see a cute picture of me having a great time!!!  When I got home, I was so excited to tell Mommy about how I put Cheerios on my playdough stick!  Fun!! :)

Walking with Daddy

Once a week, Daddy walks me to school in the morning.  I love that time with him, and so does he! :)  I just love any extra time I get to spend with my daddy.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of Preschool

She said:  Today, I got to go to my very first day of preschool. I  have been SO excited about going to school, and finally, the day was here!  After we took Javed to school, Mommy and I came back home and got dressed and got my lunch all ready.  Then, we went to my classroom.  I was SUCH a big girl.  I remembered where my name was and I went right over there and hung my backpack up.   I found some books and got to reading.  I didn't even seem too worried when Mommy left...I knew she would be back soon!  Sure enough, I had a great day!  I got to go to circle time and sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, I played outside, and I painted!  We had a little rest time, but I chose not to sleep. I just relaxed for a bit!  Right before Mommy got there, I had a little accident, but they took care of me. When Mommy picked me up, I was super excited.  We even got to go to the park with Javed when he got home from school. Mommy let me choose what we were having for dinner since it was my first day, and I chose breakfast for dinner.  I think I ate 4 pancakes!! :)  Gotta love it!  What a great first day!

Looking at Javed's Golden Coin

Love My Daddy

Relaxin' Before School

I'm Ready for This

Cutie Patootie


Silly Girl

Ready to Go In


Silly Face- with My Teacher

Morning Chat Before School :)