Saturday, June 29, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

VBS Carnival

This week, I have been going to Vacation Bible School, and we have learned about facing our fears and trusting God.  We learned a lot about Paul and how he trusted God and how God did such wonderful things through him.  Tonight, we got to perform some of the songs we learned, and then we went to a fun carnival.  We got our faces painted and played some fun games.  What an awesome week, and a great end to it tonight!


Putting My Hand On Ty's Back While We Listened to Javed :)

Reading the Bible with Ms. Ashley

 Silly Girl

Love My Daddy


Sweet Girl

Boys Date

This week has been pretty rough with Charley breaking her foot and then getting sick.  Mommy and Daddy knew that I needed some extra attention, so Daddy and I planned a boy's date.  We went to the movies together and saw Monsters University.  Then, we came home ate lunch and took naps.  We had SO much fun just being together.  Thanks, Daddy, for our fun date.  

Won't Stop Me

Even though I broke my foot, I am determined to have a fun summer!!! :)

Javed is Taking Care of Me

Seems Like a Good Day to Learn to Ride a Bike

Playing at the Waterpark

Thursday, June 27, 2013

MIA Party

Today, we went to Ms. Ashley's parents' house for a swim party with our MIA friends.  We had SO much fun eating yummy food, swimming, playing on the slip and slide, jumping on the trampoline, and just relaxing together.  We are so blessed with good friends!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


She said:  I am a puzzle kind of girl!  When I have playtime, usually you can find me either doing a puzzle or mixing all the pieces together.  Depends on what kind of mood I'm in. :)  Today, when we were at Mama D and Papa Rock's house, I got to play with Mama D while Mommy and Ms. Ashley were organizing their garage.  We played kitchen in the little house outside, and then I found another puzzle to do.  I was SO excited to do it.  Can you tell I'm proud?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


She said: This week was has been pretty rough for me.  On Monday, Javed and I were playing tag at the Ark, and when Javed tagged me, I fell on my foot the wrong way, and it did not feel good at all.  I started crying and crying, and when Mommy picked me up, I just kept crying (which is very unlike me).  When Mommy tried to put me down, I almost fell down, and it hurt really badly.   We went ahead and left and went home and throughout the car ride, I kept telling Mommy that I was hurting and that I wanted a bandaid to make it feel better. :(   When we got home, and I still didn't want to put any weight on it, Mommy called Daddy and the doctor, and they both said we should go to the ER.  Once we got to the hospital, we were seen very quickly, and after taking X-rays, they said that I had a greenstick fracture in my other words, I broke a part of my foot.   They gave me some medicine and put something on my foot that would stabilize it for a couple of days until we could go see a pediatric orthopedic doctor.  I was such a WONDERFUL patient--I didn't even cry.  The nurses said that they were super impressed with me!  Mommy, Daddy, and Javed were so proud of me!

My Swollen Foot

The Best Medicine: A Grape Popsicle :)

All Wrapped Up

Still Smiling

After we went home and went to bed, I woke up this morning, and my foot started to feel a little better. I still didn't want to put weight on it, and so I just had Mommy carry me everywhere!

Sweet Girl


Brother Wants a Picture Too :)

After a long day of being carried around, Mommy, Mama D, and I set off for the orthopedic doctor (while Javed and Papa Rock went on a boy's date to Bass Pro).   When I got there, they said that I would need a cast and after looking at all the colors, I decided on pink!  I sat still and was such a good sport as they put my cast on.  Mommy and Mama D were so proud of me.   After the cast, we went and met Javed and Papa Rock at Chick-fil-A, which was fun!  Although I am not ready to walk on my cast yet, I am trying my best to get around- I am scooting and crawling and just doing whatever I need to.  Ms. Determined! :)  Athough it's been a rough week, I have been such a trooper!    We are thankful that it was not worse and that after 4 weeks, I can take the cast off! :)

Waiting for the Doctor

My Poor Foot--Kind of Green 

Still a Little Swollen

Momma Loves Me

Getting Wrapped

Looking at My Pink Cast

More Wrapping

Eating at Chick-fil-A


First Getting Home with New Cast

Gotta Keep Trying

If I Can't Walk, I'll Crawl


Playing Chase

Mommy had to share this sweet from her sweet friend,  Ms. Ashley:

After seeing the pictures of Miss Charley...I felt the Lord tugging at my heart saying,   "What if you trusted me to take care of you like a child trusts their mom to care of them? What if you exuded the beautiful smile that Charley does while being "broken"?"   Don't you love our babies and how they constant point is to Christ?!?

Thank you, baby Charley, for your sweet smile and your reminders to trust God with all our hearts!  I love you!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Today, we got to celebrate our daddy, our grandpas, our uncles, and all those men that have influenced us.  This morning, we went to church and Sunday school, and then all came home, ate lunch, and took naps.  After naps, Papa Rock and Mama D came over and we ate lasagna and just enjoyed each other's company.  What a fun and relaxing day!  Daddy, Happy Father's Day!  We love you so much, and we are so grateful that God gave you to us!

 Daddy Loves Us

Take 2

Eating Burritos Together

Playing at the Gym in Church

The Tie Javed Made for Daddy

The Tie Charley Made for Daddy

Cute Daddy

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Goodbye, Dear Friends

This weekend, we said goodbye to our dear friends, who are moving to another state.  Ms. Marla, Mr. Nate, Shepherd, Owen, and Marley have all touched our lives, and we cannot even begin to tell you how much we are going to miss them.  God is so good that He orchestrated one last hurrah before they moved, and this weekend, both of our families went to Great Wolf Lodge (not realizing the other was going tot be there when we planned it), and we got to play together for the night.  We had SO much fun going down slides, swimming, eating together, and just hanging out.  What a fun night and a great way to party before they moved.  We will miss you all so much but can't wait to see what God has in store for your family.

Cheers to Good Friends

Ms. Marla and Mommy

Marley and Charley

Oh, Watch Out!

Family Time in the Hot Tub

 Weeh, Charley!

Mommy Likes it Too

Family Pic

Our Two Families