Monday, June 30, 2014

True Mama

If this doesn't make me a true mama, I don't know what does….

Goodbye Acadia
  Hello Minivan!!!!!

*I have to say a quick thank you to my sweet husband who was SUPER supportive of me in switching cars (even though that was not what we had intended when we bought our Acadia less than 2 years ago).  He was extra nice and drove to the dealership during his work day to fill out all the paperwork, so I could just go and pick it up and not have to wait at all! :)

Sweet Baby

Our sweet little girl is growing and growing!!

Sitting in My Bouncy Chair
(Not a huge fan of this chair) :)

I'm Learning to Hold My Head Up

Looking Intenty

Trying to Talk

Cuddling with My Big Bro

Smiling at My Monogrammed Letters in My Room

Sound Asleep 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Patriotic Church Service

Today, we went to a special brunch and patriotic church service.  We honored all those who have served and currently serve our country!  Thank you to all those brave men and women who have risked their lives, so we can have freedom!

On Our Way to Church

 Relaxing at the Brunch

Little Smiles

Cuddles with my Big Bro

Sweet Siblings

Playing at the Playground after Church


Getting Ready to Read

Sweet Babies

Take 2

Close Up

Love These Three

Pretty Girl

Someone LOVES her Daddy!

Silly Sleeper

This summer, I have really enjoyed sleeping in my sleeping bags and with all my blankets.  Daddy thought I was pretty cute when he found me sleeping tonight. :)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Fun Day

This morning, we drove to Dallas and went to look for a new car--a minivan!!!!  We found one we liked and Javed and Charley (and Mommy) were ready to drive it home!  After we searched, we decided to have a nice lunch out.  We went to Hillside (the old Houstons) and had a very nice lunch.  Then, we walked over to the Sprinkles Ice Cream shop and got some yummy ice cream.  Charley chose to go to the cupcake ATM instead of get ice cream.  You put your money in the machine, and a Sprinkles cupcake comes out just like a vending machine.  Super cool.  What an awesome family day we had!

Big Smiles

Another One

Silly One

Sweet Baby

Friday, June 27, 2014

Special Time

I try every day when Javed and Charley have quiet time/nap time to stop and take time to cuddle with my baby girl.  I absolutely LOVE this time, and I know it won't last forever, so I'm gonna soak up every minute I can… :)

Summer Fun

We have had a pretty relaxing summer so far, which has been really nice.  Today, Mommy got out some colored rice, and we had so much fun sorting, pouring, and mixing!  The simple things :)



Another fun thing we have done is swim in our super cool inflatable pool. :)  Again--the simple things :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Mind of My Own

Mommy has been trying to teach us all to keep our rooms cleaned and our things organized.  Over the past few days, I have been having a blast playing and so I had a lot to clean up. While Mommy was nursing Riley, she was trying to motivate me to clean my room, and when she looked, this is what she saw….

Please feel free to say a prayer for Mommy and Daddy for when I'm a teenager. :)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Making Beds

Lately, I have been finding all my blankets and pillows and making beds on the floor for my babies.  Tonight, I set it up again, and I told Mommy that I had a place for Nana and Grandpa (when they came back in town), and one for Javed, Mommy, and Daddy.  :)  

All my Beds



This week, I have had the opportunity to attend VBS at the church where Mommy does MIA. We had a fantastic week, and I learned all about God creating the world, Jesus dying on the cross, and Him raising from the dead.  We also learned more about the story of Daniel and the Lions.  We made crafts, listened to stories, sang fun songs, and ate yummy snacks. :)    We ended the week with a  performance of our songs and then a fun carnival.  It was a great time and so fun to see everyone "on fire" for Christ.  What a great week!


Jesus is Our King


Singing "Who's the King?"

Our God is Big

Our God is Big, Our God is Strong

I Can Count on Him

Watching Javed with Daddy

Gotta Be Silly

Getting Ready to Get our Faces Painted

Being Still


The Hulk!

Friday, June 20, 2014

First Fireworks

Every Friday during the summer, they have a fireworks show at the lake.  We have been wanting to go, but since nowadays we aren't planning or doing too much, we weren't sure when we would get a chance to go.  Since we were already out at the VBS carnival, and everyone seemed up to it, we decided that tonight would be the perfect night!  This was Riley's first time to see fireworks, and she did seem to look at them a little, but really didn't notice them too much. :)  Javed and Charley LOVED them, and we are ready to go see them again. 

Waiting for the Fireworks to Start

In Awe

Great Memories

Baby Love

We love our sweet, Riley Grace!!!