Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 17th- January 22nd

January 17th- Practicing Baseball

 January 18th- Playing at Home

Aunt Bobo's Veil

January 19th- "Noodle" Party

January 22nd- My New Spot

Saturday, January 17, 2015

January 1st- January 17th

January 2nd- Lunch with Friends

Praise the Lord

January 4th- Eating Green Beans

January 5th- Children's Museum

January 7th- Javed got to Pay for Donuts by Himself :)

 January 9th- Mystery Reader at Javed's School

We had been waiting and chatting with Amazon to see where the crosses were for Javed's class.  They were supposed to be there the day before, but they got held up on a malfunctioning plane.  Ironically, as soon as I pulled in from being the Mystery Reader, the Fedex truck showed up with the crosses!  Thank God, Daddy and I found some jolly rancher crosses that we could make for Javed's friends since the holding crosses weren't there in time.

Making Orange Juice with Nana and Grandpa

January 10th- Time with Just the Girls

Javed gets to Hang out with Nana, Grandpa, Bobo
 and Richard at Kayla's Volleyball Game

January 12th- Hugs for Daddy Before
 He Leaves on a Business Trip

January 15th- Snow Day

Playing with Mama D while Mommy has a MIA Meeting

Going on a Walk

Serious Bubble Bath

January 16th- Penguin Day

Do I Look Tacky like Tacky the Penguin?

Daddy Wore Tacky Socks to Match Me

Waiting on Results at Doctor-
THANK YOU GOD, Charley doesn't have the Flu

Cuddles with Papa Rock 

January 17th- Early Morning Fun