Thursday, August 29, 2013

Meet the Teacher

She said:  Tonight, I got to go to my new school and meet my new teacher!!!! I have been pretty excited about starting school, especially since my big brother started this week.  I was pretty happy to see everything until Mommy, Daddy, and Javed had to leave to go to the meeting.  I liked my teacher, but I didn't like that they had our door closed!  I am hoping that that door will be open next week! :)  Mommy can't believe that her little baby is starting school!

Happy Girl

Excited about My Book

Walking with Daddy

First Full Day

Today is my first full day of school and I even get to ride the bus!  So excited!!! :)

Beginning of Day

Getting off the Bus

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just Like Daddy

I am such a Daddy's girl, and almost every morning when Daddy goes to work, I get pretty upset.  Lately, Daddy has been riding his bike to work, and today, I decided that I was going to go with him!  I followed him to the garage and got ready to go!  SO precious!


This afternoon, we did a little craft that we LOVED doing.  Mommy put baking soda in a bowl and then we put food coloring in different bowls of vinegar.  We then took some of the colored vinegar out with droppers and put them on the baking soda to make our own bubbly designs!  What fun!!!

My Creation

 So Proud

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

2nd Day

Today was my second day of school, and I was SO excited to go back!  We had lots of fun, and Mommy even did better at dropping me off! :)  Once I got home and we relaxed some, we got to try out our new neighborhood park with our buddy, Ty.  We had SO much fun there!!  What a great day!

So Silly



Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School!!!

He said: Today was my first day of kindergarten!!!  Mommy woke me up bright and early this morning, and we snuggled in my bed and read a little devotional together.  We have been working on a schedule, and I was so excited to finally get to follow it this morning!  After I did all the things on my list, Mommy, Daddy, and Charley took me to my new school.  As soon as we got in the car, Mommy got a little teary, but I quickly assured her not to worry because I would be coming home at 11:45 today!  When we got to school, we found my classroom, and I was ready!!!  I kissed and hugged Mommy and told her I loved her (just like I have been telling her I would do all summer long), and I told Daddy and Charley bye too and then I walked into my classroom all ready to go!  While I was at school, I got to watch a video of colors in Spanish, color, eat lunch, have a little recess, and learn A LOT of rules!  I had such a fun day and can't wait to go back tomorrow!!!

 My Morning Schedule

Our Afternoon Schedule

 Eating My Breakfast Taco

Silly Face

Ready for Kindergarten!

Charley Wants a Picture Too

Our Precious Baby


Can You Tell We are Going to Miss Each Other?

Mama and Me (Pre- Tears)

 I Wanted to Take a Picture Too

Daddy's Little Loves

Cute Duo

 Getting My Nametag

Ready to Go

Little Kindergartener!

Happy to Be with Daddy

So Cute

She said:  After we dropped Javed off at school, it wasn't long before I told Mommy that I missed Javed.  Mommy kept crying, and I was SOOOO sweet and was doing my best to comfort her.  Mommy is so silly.  I even told her- "It's ok...we will go get Javed soon."  Mommy thinks I am so darn sweet.  After we went home for just a little bit, we met some of Mommy's friends at our Boohoo Breakfast.  It was fun to just be with the little kids!   After we ate breakfast, went to the grocery store, and played a little at home, Mommy and I were SUPER excited to pick Javed up from school.  We waited patiently, and when he came through the door, I gave him the biggest hug.  I was SO glad to have my Javey back!  After school, we got to go to the library for a little bit and get some new books.   While I'm excited to have some one-on-one time with Mommy, I am going to miss my Javed.

Boohoo Breakfast

Looking for Books

I Survived Kindergarten!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Birthday Party

Today, we went to a birthday party for my buddy, Harrison.  We had SO much fun playing, and we even got see a magician show!  We thought it was SO funny!!!  What a fun morning!

Petting the Bunny

Is It My Turn?

Getting to Pet the Bunny Too

Happy Birthday, Harrison!

Waiting for Cake


Happy Girl

Even Happier



Ready to Hit the Ball

With the Birthday Boy

Night Away

Tonight, we got to play with a new babysitter while Mommy and Daddy went out for a nice dinner with Mama D, Papa Rock, and Uncle Brandon to celebrate Mama and Papa Rock's anniversary!!  We had so much at home, and we heard that they had a great time too! :)

Ready to Go Out to Eat

Onion Rings

Daddy Loves Mommy

Chocolate Cake

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Meet the Teacher

He said: This evening, I got to go meet my new teacher for kindergartener.  I already met my classmates and even played with some of them, so I was excited to see them again.   I cannot wait to go to school every day, learn a lot, read more, and work on my very own IPad!  Mommy is having a tough time with me going to school, but I keep telling her not to worry and that every day I will hug her, kiss her and tell her I love her.  She thinks that I am just the coolest kid and hopes that my teachers are as blessed by me as she and Daddy are!  4 days until I start!!!!!

My Teacher and Me

Big Kindergartener


My Sister Loves Me

More Family Love