Daddy's Admiring Me
Getting Some Extra Cuddles with Papa Rock
Uncle Brandon and Daddy are Practicing Their Comedy Routines
Cuddling with Mommy
Daddy is Extra Happy
Daddy is Trying to Smile Like Mommy
Sweet Cuddles
Getting Ready to Leave the Hospital
Daddy is Getting Us Ready to Go Home
Mommy is Ready for Us to Go Home
First Time in My Car Seat
Once we got home, Nana, Grandpa, Javed, and Charley had decorated our house for us! We had a little bit of quiet time while they were at the volleyball game, and when they got home, they were SOOO excited to see me!!!
Pink Streamers
Can You Tell My Sister Loves Me?
Javed is Super Excited Too
As the week progressed, we had lots of cuddle time, which was awesome!!!
Talking to Daddy
Taking It All In
Enjoying Time with Daddy
Sound Asleep
More Relaxin'
Silly Girl
Sweet Sisters
Charley Can't Get Enough of Me
Javed Wants to Hold Me
All Spread Out
After several days, Mommy started to get concerned because I was seeming very irritable while I was eating and I wasn't having many peepee diapers. When Mommy and Daddy took me to my first doctor's appointment, they found out that I had lost a lot of weight and I was dehydrated. I had gone from 8 lbs, 2 oz to 6 lbs, 13 oz. My pediatrician put me on a strict schedule. Mommy would need to pump, then nurse me, then feed me with a syringe what she had pumped. The hope was that in the next two days, I could gain at least one ounce. It was a very stressful time, and that was coupled with the fact that Mommy started to feel bad--she got a fever and a sore throat, which didn't help her milk supply at all, and I didn't like that too much….
Our Reality
Trying to do Tummy Time
Beautiful Flowers from Uncle Sammy
Eating like a Birdy
More Cuddles with Sissy
My First Bath
Charley Likes to Help with the Lotion
Getting Lotion on My Toes
I Found My Thumb
The Doctor Said I Could Have a Paci!
Just a Few Pills
I Got Mommy's Thumb
Today, I am officially 1 week old, and for my 1 week birthday, I went back to the doctor and I had gained 1 ounce!!! Everyone was so excited that I am going in the right direction now!!! Unfortunately, while at the doctor's office, Mommy had them test her for strep throat, and she had it! :( That probably explains why she's been having trouble producing milk. Luckily, her doctor gave her some meds, and hopefully, she will get better soon. In the meantime, after school gets out, Mama D is going to take Javed and Charley to her house and Mommy, Daddy, and I are going to sleep!!
Cuddling with Daddy
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