Friday, May 30, 2014

Field Trip

Javed said:  Today we got to go on a field trip to the aquarium.  Before our trip, everyone in my class had a different animal to research.  I had gotten the shark, and I learned lots of cool things about them.  Today was extra neat because I got to see many different types of sharks.  What an awesome day!


Riley Said:  I sure like to sleep a lot! :)  At night,  I have been sleeping in this really cool bed that Mommy and Daddy got me.  It's called a Rock and Play, and it's so comfy!!

Then, during the day, Mommy tries to put me in my crib for one nap a day.  Then, the other times, I sleep in my swing or on Mommy (usually on Mommy).   What a life. :)

Out and About

She said:  Today, we had a very fun day.  We actually all got dressed (which is commendable) and then we took our car to dealership and then went to the mall. I got to help Mommy find some new clothes.  I was a big helper--I found a big tote and every time she didn't like something, I put it into the "No Bag."  Then, at the end, Mommy hung all the "No" things back up! :)  After the mall, we picked up some Chickfila and brought lunch to Daddy at work.  This was extra fun and it was Riley's first time to be out and about.  What a fun morning!

Ms. Serious

Somebody LOVES her Sister!

Ready for the Mall 

Taking Pics of Herself While Mommy Was Looking for Clothes


Daddy's Little Girls

Thursday, May 29, 2014


How cute am I?

I can even having fun listening to the music while waiting for someone to answer the phone. :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Surprise Visitor

Charley said: Today, Mommy's friend, Ms. Brandy, and my friend, Eliza, came to surprise us and meet little Riley.  I had so much fun playing with Eliza and Mommy and Ms. Brandy had a great time catching up!  What a fun unplanned morning. :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Big Afternoon

Javed said:  Today, when I got in the car, I was surprised to see Kristen and Emma in the car too!!  That was extra cool.  They wanted to surprise me and pick me up before they left to go back home.  They even decided to stay with us while we went to the doctor to get my cough checked out.  While we were there, Charley had brought her doctor's outfit, and we all gave each other checkups while we waited for the doctor.

Checking Out Emma's Ears

Listening to Javed's Heart

Dr. Charley

While we were at the doctor, we had them weigh Riley, and she was 8 lbs, 3 oz!!!!!  That means that she officially reached her birth weight.  We were all so excited- we celebrated with Sonic drinks. :)

Our Growing Girl

Once Daddy got home from work and we had finished dinner, he gave Riley her first bottle!  She was a tiny bit unsure at first, but then once she started to get the milk, she loved it and gulped it all down!  So proud! :)

First Bottle

Cuddling with Caly While Daddy Feeds Riley

Milk Drunk!

What an awesome afternoon/evening!  We have so much to celebrate today!!!!   There are so many things that we take for granted!!  We are truly blessed.

Time with Family

On Sunday, Bobo, Kayla, Kristen, and Emma came over.  We all got to spend the afternoon and evening together, which was so much fun!  We even got to go out for dinner together (which Mommy really needed), and Riley got to spend some special time with just Daddy.  After dinner, Bobo and Kayla had to go home, but Kristen and Emma got to stay for a couple of days.  We had so much fun while they were here.  We got to play a lot and just had a fun time being together!

Such a Cute Little Sleeper


Sweet Cousins

Relaxing with Emma

I Love My Sister

Funny Boy

Cuddles with Aunt Kristen

 More Silliness

Our Aunt Bobo

Are We Cute or What?


A Little Music

 Funny Faces

Wearing Emma's Glasses

Cuddling with Emma

Going Down the Slide at Chickfila

Cute Frozen Yogurt Kids 
(Shirts Compliments of Emma) :)

Loving my Aunt Kristen

Watching Frozen with Aunt Kristen 

Relaxin' with Emma

Friday, May 23, 2014

Cuddles and Relaxin'

Can you tell how much I'm loved?  (Week 2-3)

 Bright Eyed

Oh Dear!

I Just Turned Over--Think I Scared Myself

Oh My!

Charley Loves Me!

Tummy Time

Sweet Bambina


 Javed Wants to Hold Me Like Mommy Does


This is the Life

Sleeping all Stretched Out


Cuddling with Nana

Laying on Charley