On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we come home, relax a little bit, and then get Charley ready for school at 9. They are both LOVING school, which makes me so happy! During the day, I had these high hopes of getting things accomplished, but pretty much since school started, I have been feeling pretty bad, and my bed and couch have become my new best friends. I am SO grateful that I have this time to rest and take care of myself and our new little miracle on the way.
At 2, I go to pick Charley up, and then at 3, we walk to the end of the street and pick Javed up from the bus stop. From then, we begin marathon number 2- eating snack, talking about our days, homework (if there is any), prepping/eating/cleaning dinner, baths, reading books and then getting ready for bed. Though Rick is still working a lot, he almost always is home for dinner and bedtime routines, which is priceless. We aim to be in bed between 7 and 7:30, and then Rick usually works from home, and I'm almost ready for bed! :)
God is teaching me a lot about letting go! Letting go of Javed as he gets out of the car and walks into his new school, letting go of the Christian models that have surrounded and been teaching Javed and trusting that God will protect his body, mind, and heart, letting go of my sweet baby girl as she starts preschool for the first time, letting go of an amazing friend who moved too far away, letting go of all kinds of control as my firstborn baby rides home on a big yellow school bus, and lately, letting go of the many pressures I put on myself to keep my house together and have homemade meals every night. I'm learning that if I go to bed with dishes in the sink and the playroom not organized, I still wake up in the morning and life continues. God and I have been having lots of mini-conversations all throughout the day, and He has literally given me all my strength. Very blessed....
Coloring with My Baby During Our "Off Days"
So Proud of My Work
Not Our Normal Playroom
Someone Want to Clean for Us?
Fun in the Chaos
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