Thursday, October 31, 2013

Baby #3

This morning, I got to go to the doctor to check on the progress of baby #3.  My doctor is so awesome--he does a sonogram EVERY single time you go.  This has been so uplifting, especially since I have felt so much worse this time around.  At my first appointment at 7 weeks, you could barely see a circle and the whole thing was moving up and down with the heartbeat. Two weeks later when I went, the baby was easy to see and you could already tell where the head and the body was. Now, at 13 weeks, it was truly amazing.  I could see fingers, hands, legs, toes, and a VERY active baby, who was jumping all over the place.  Here are a couple of videos from that day.  (Please excuse my annoying voice). :)

Happy Halloween

She said:  For Halloween this morning, Mommy got to come to my school while my friends and I performed Halloween songs for all the parents.  Mommy was so proud of how I was actually doing a lot of the actions while I sand the song.  Then, we got to go trick or treating around the church.  We had such a fun time together. I  was so excited to be a ballerina.

He said:  After I came home from school and we did my homework and ate an early dinner, Charley put her Halloween costume back on and I got my police outfit on, and we went to the church where Mommy does MIA.  We had so much fun trunk or treating and then we got to play some carnival games.  When we got home from the church, we went trick or treating around our neighborhood. By the end of the night, we were exhausted and had gotten TONS of candy.  What a fun night!

Cute Little Ballerina




Being Shy

Little Performer

Sitting with my Class

At the Carnival

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Team William Benefit

A couple of months ago, Mommy found out that one of her dear childhood friend's husband, Mr. William, had brain cancer.  We have been doing everything we can to help them, and this weekend, Mama D, Mommy, Charley and I went to Houston to put on a benefit for him.  We had a carnival, bake sale, and a silent auction, and it was an AWESOME success.  They had a great park, where we got to play and we just loved playing all the carnival games.  Though the day was fun, the best part was seeing so many people come together and support Mr. William and his family.  It was a day that we will always remember!

Supporting Team William

The Silent Auction

Nana Getting to Talk to Mrs. Eda's Mommy

Carnival Games

Dance Area

Playing on the Fire Truck

Cool Microphone

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Serving Others

This morning, we got to participate in our first MIA service project.  It was extra awesome because Javed had the day off of school, and he was able to come with us to serve We decorated cards and made Chemo boxes for kids that are have cancer.  It was a great way to learn about helping others.  Our theme for the year is "Do Everything in Love."  We have been singing about that and learning how we can love others like Jesus loved us!

Learning about Our Service Project

Talking about How We Can Help Kids with Cancer

Making Our Pictures

Proud of One of My Cards

About to Color My Box

Stuffing My Chemo Kit

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Today when I woke up, I saw decorations on my door and downstairs, and I knew that it was finally my birthday!   I got to open up a couple of presents (some shoes and a microphone), and then we all went to church.  After Sunday School, Javed and I got to play at church for awhile, and then I wanted to go to Freddy's for lunch!!  I got some grilled cheese, French fries, and some root beer! :)  I even got my very own ice cream with gummi worms and Oreos.  Pretty exciting!!!

 Drinking Root Beer

My Very Own Ice Cream

Birthday Girl

Eating the Gummi Worms


After lunch, we went to Party City, and Mommy and Daddy let me pick out any 3 things since I was 3 years old.  It was awesome!!!!  I was running around and just so excited.  I finally decided on 3 types of candy! :)  After that I came home, and I opened some more presents (some clothes and a new book). Then, I took a little nap.  After naps, I got to open my other presents! I got some puzzles, another book, and an awesome little nursery for my babies!  After dinner, we put the nursery together, and I got to play with it!  Then, we watched a movie and ate some popcorn.  What an awesome birthday!

Excited About My Presents
Playing with My New Nursery

Friday, October 11, 2013

Walk to School Day

Today, Daddy and I got to participate in Walk to School Day.  Mommy told me that Daddy was going to take me to get donuts before we walked, and I made sure that we would have some protein too. :)  I told Mommy that just eating donuts was like eating Twizzlers for breakfast.  Oh, funny boy!  After I got dressed and got my breakfast, Daddy and I met some of my other classmates, and we all got to walk to school together.  What an awesome morning!

Ready to Walk

Wanted a Solo Picture :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013


From Mommy: When we go to school in the mornings, I pray over Javed... that God will protect his heart, his body, and his mind.  This morning, I prayed that if he felt lonely or sad at all during the day, that he would go to Jesus.  A couple minutes later, Charley was telling us how she was going to school and she was going to talk to her friends.  In her precious little voice, she said, "If one of my friends says poo-poo, I am going to go to Jesus."  It was so darn funny.  A couple minutes later, I asked her what she was going to do if they said something they shouldn't.  She quickly responded, "I am gonna hit them."  This little girl has a lot of spunk in her.  After I explained (AGAIN) that we don't hit our friends (or anyone for that matter), she said, "I'm going to go to Jesus."  Oh baby girl, I know that life is tough sometimes.  My prayer for you is that you can go to Jesus in all those times!  XOXO!


This morning, I had a teddy bear picnic at school, and since Javed already did that, he was telling me what it was going to be like.  He went and got his memory book, and we had so much fun looking through all the pictures.  I'm so glad I have such a wonderful big brother to show me what cool things I have to look forward to. :)

 Reading Together


School Birthday

Today, I got to celebrate my birthday at school.   Mommy got to stay with me at Circle Time today, and all my friends sang Happy Birthday to me, and I got to do a birthday spin!  I also brought my cupcakes for my friends, so we could all celebrate together.  What a fun morning!

Playing Before Circle Time

Birthday Calendar

My Friend Wants to be in the Picture

Birthday Girl

Holding the Flag

Big Girl

Yummy Cupcakes

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Birthday Cupcakes

Tomorrow, I get to celebrate my birthday at school, so Mommy, Anna, and I made some cupcakes.   Anna and I got to pour items in the bowl, and then we got to do the sprinkles.  So excited to celebrate!!


Happy Girl

So Proud

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I LOVE my new school, and I love playing with my friends at recess!

Got My Pail


Monday, October 7, 2013

Project Fun

He said: This year, I have been able to go to Project Fun again on Mondays after school.  I get to walk with my other school friends, and then I get to learn and have fun with all of them and Mama D!  What a special time, we have together!!!

Hanging out on the Fire Truck


I Love Mama D

All My Project Fun Friends

Picnic Time

I Got a Perfect Pumpkin

She said: Since I don't get to go to Project Fun yet, Mama D took me by myself to go pick out a pumpkin.  I felt extra special having time with just Mama D.  I was so excited to get my own pumpkin too.  Thank you, Mama D, for our special little time.