Friday, September 28, 2012

Bagels and Butterfly Snacks

This week, we have been learning all about the letter B.  For breakfast this morning, we ate some yummy bagels (always a good excuse for Einstein Bagels).  Then, at lunch, Mommy made us a special butterfly snack.  We both LOVED it!

Silly Boy

Do You Think I Like Bagels?

Happy about Bagels for Breakfast

Checking Out My Snack


Take 1

Take 2

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Brother Bear

This week, we had our Book Character Parade at school, and I got to dress up as my favorite character in a book.  These days, my FAVORITE books are the Berenstain Bears.  I just LOVE reading them.  Mama D helped me draw a bear mask, Mommy got me a red shirt and made me a sign, and before I knew it, I was Brother Bear.  Charley thought it was so funny, and I loved chasing her around the house.  When I got to school, I loved seeing all my friends and all the fun book characters.  What an extra fun way to celebrate B week!
Brother Bear

Sweet Boy

Very Into Telling Me a Story

Charley Wanted to Carry My Book to School

Standing with My Class

Mommy Loves Us

My Class

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Beginning B Week

What better way to begin "B" week than a bounce house filled with balls?

Women of Faith

From Mommy: This past weekend, I had the awesome opportunity to attend the Women of Faith Conference.  Two of my best friends flew into town, and we had the weekend to enjoy each other's company.  Also, my mom and her friends, and my sweet friend, Maurie, got to come too.  It was SO wonderful to laugh together, cry together, pray together, talk together, and grow spiritually together.  It is a weekend that will always be remembered.  While I was away, Rick, Javed, and Charley had some fun times together too--going to the park, sleeping in a tent, playing together, eating out, and just being together.  As fun as it was for me to be with the girls, it was great to come to my wonderful hubby and sweet kiddos.

Teal, Maurie, Me, and Cory

Look Who I Got to Come Home To :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Daddy's Girl

Can you tell I love my daddy?  I want to be just like him... :)

What Am I Wearing?

Funny Girl

Trying to Walk

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Girl Fun

Today, while Javed was at school, Mommy and I went to play with Marley and Mrs. Marla.  We did some gymnastics and went to play at the park.  Then, we all walked back to our house and had lunch.  We are so blessed with such good friends!
Mrs. Marla is Teaching Me How to do a Somersault


Didn't Quite Understand How to "Put My Head Down"

Getting Ready to do a Somersault ?

Pretty Relaxing Gymnastics Class

Daring Girls

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bible Verses

Our two Bible verses that we have been working on this week are: "A soft Answer turns Away wrath" Proverbs 15:1 and "Ask and it shall be given to you; Seek and you will find" (Matthew 7:7).  We have been really practicing using our soft words, and every time we hear someone use soft words, we put a soft pom pom in a jar.  We are hoping to fill it up soon!  Also, we made an Ask box to Jesus, and when we are praying to Him, we put some of our Asking prayers in there.  We have also talked about how we should have an Attitude of Gratitude.  We need to always remember to thank God for all that we have!  We are very blessed!

Apples and Bananas

One of our songs for A week- Apples and Bananas

Acorns and Apples

Today, we did an Awesome Activity with Apples and Acorns.  Mommy put a bunch of beans in a bin, and then she hid Acorns (that we found last weekend) and Apples (red and green pom poms).  We had SO much fun sorting and pouring and using our imagination.  Charley was at the PERFECT age for this activity.  She LOVED finding new containers to pour beans into, and we both got so excited when we found an Apple or an Acorn.  I loved sorting everything too, and Mommy gave me some tongs to use, and I loved that also!  Charley actually cried when we had to go inside for lunch.  We can't wait to play with them Again!

Focusing on Scooping


Using Our Scoops and Our Tongs

Silly Boy

I Found an Acorn


Searching for Acorns

Carefully Scooping

More Apples

Wordless Wednesday

So, I know this is supposed to be wordless, but I just have a few words :)

I was SO Proud--I Made this Myself During Quiet Time!

Playing with Friends at Cici's

Ready for the Cold--or Cool :)

Bringing Donuts to Daddy

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Week

For the past week, we have been learning all about the letter A.  Last night for dinner, we had Apple smiles and then we did Apple Art.  This morning, we went on a "field trip" to the Ark.  We have really enjoyed learning about the letter A, and we are ready for our next Activity! :)


 Sweet Girl
(Please ignore my old t-shirt) :)

Who Has an Apple Smile?

Silly Boy

Silly Boy #2

Apple Art Soon Became Hand Art

Painting Away

Fun Times

Loving This Project

Making My Handprint

Making My Mark


Our Finished Artwork

Posing at the Ark

On the Move